- Thou shalt not place any essential portion of thy anatomy beneath a car that is not properly supported with jack stands or blocks.
- Thou shalt not work on any part of the starting or charging system without first disconnecting the battery.
- Thou shalt suffer no flame or spark near the battery or the fuel system.
- Thou shalt forsake the open end of the wrench, and whenever possible to use always the box end upon thy nuts and thy bolts.
- Thou shalt always securely block the wheels of the car before starting work, lest thee run thyself over with thine own car.
- Thou shalt never lose thy temper or thy patience. Remember: "Act in haste and you will repent at your leisure."
- Thou shalt always exercise extreme care when opening thy radiator, lest thee parboil thyself or some innocent bystander.
- Thou shalt clean up any and all of the fluids that thy auto may emit, lest they ignite or poison thy pet, thy child, thy soil or thy groundwater.
- Thou shalt always place thy car's transmission in Park or Neutral before commencing work.
- Thou shalt never forget the laws of ASSUME, K.I.S.S., and Murphy and never blame another person for thine own errors.
Found this posted on http://autorepair.about.com/od/safetyfirst/a/ ten_commandment.htm. Thought it was worth a re-post :)