Scott shared this pic with us and says, "Just picked this up. It’s an 800. My other machines are Outlanders, Obviously this is bigger. It’s an 800 maverick Trail. Just picked it up for my wife. I totally love it. In fact I love it so much I’m thinking about getting myself a 1000 next year and keeping two of the Outlanders for my kids. It weighs 1300 pounds stock, but it has four to $5000 worth of accessories so I would imagine that adds a few hundred pounds. Lifts it no problem. Just doesn’t fit on ramp. I’ve had this lift for several years and had absolutely no issues with it. I own four ATVs and service others for friends." More info on the PRO 1200SEMAX Lift Table here.
Twisted Fab Motorsports in Greenville, South Carolina posts great pics of a Can Am getting worked on to our Facebook page. They tagged us in the post: "Putting new brake pads on the Can Am The easy way using the best Atv lift!! Thank you Clark Heintz this lift is a back saver!!!"