LEAVE US A REVIEW! -Monday, July 13, 2015
We have so many customers all over the country and we are so grateful that each and every one of you has chosen us to work with when you are in need of equipment and tools. We are always interested in hearing your feedback! We invite you to find us on Google+ and Yelp - we have accounts set up at both sites and would very much appreciate you taking the time to leave us some comments. Please click on the links below to take you to the pages where you may leave a review. Thanks to you all for keeping us in business for 41 years. If you have a Google account and would like to leave a review on Google+, please see the links at the bottom of this post. We've set it up so the review pop up will come up when you click on the link below. It should look like this:
Leave a Review on Google+ Leave a Review on Yelp